  Joshua James  
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Joshua James is yet another version of the so-called singer-songwriter. In the overflowing sea of this genre, Joshua is an artist that is steadily rising to the surface. Music is best when it cuts to the bone, when it offers immediate, simple satisfaction. It’s hard to define, but you know it when you hear it. In the whispery, distinct voice of Joshua James, the stage is set for this kind of instant gratification. Joshua was raised in the heartland of Lincoln, Nebraska. Most of his teenage years were spent waxing rails and kick flipping his way through the local skate scene. At the age of 19, Joshua packed his bags and traveled abroad through South America, spending most of his time in Venezuela. Seeing the culture of another part of the world was an eye opening experience for him, and it provided a catalyst for the inspiration he would soon begin to tap. Upon his return to the U.S., Joshua found his true calling and began to write. It had taken him almost 20 years to pick up a guitar, but this inauguration had a spontaneous effect on his life. It was like his voice was there all along waiting for a chance to escape. And now at 24 years of age, Joshua has blossomed into one of the best new voices to come along in some time, and he’s just started his journey.
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